Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Chapter 8 Part II:Turning Points

So as Stuart and I exchanged many conversations over Facebook, I tried to convince myself that this was pretty normal girl-boy conversations. There were times where my heart would skip MANY beats...not because he was being flirty or romantical (at this point I don't think we really liked each other like that yet) but because of his sincere care for me and his pursuit of Christ. Here are some of my favorite messages that he sent to me whilst I was in need of a Godly friend. All of these conversations happened in September 2007, a year and 2 months before we got married =) I hope you enjoy!

  • I did just take a great nap, but it might have been too late. I feel like I'm getting sick already. Plus it was cold in VA and I don't think that helped. Hopefully it won't get too bad.

    You do type ahh! a lot. It's funny. I type haha too much I think.

    I will definitely keep you in prayer about grad school. In fact I will do that right after I send this. I'm not trying to play my age card, but I know what you're facing right now. It's scary and hard, but so exciting. And as long as you're spending time with God and giving it all to Him it's going to be right. Whatever happens. I know I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, but it's so good to be reminded. I took so much comfort in Jeremiah 29:11 when I was going through career changes and moving and all that. Anyway, I'm going to pray, watch football, and cook some dinner with Daniel. Go Pamfa's!

    • I'm sorry you're having an ahhhh! moment. Sometimes you can learn a lot from those. Those are the times we need to rely on the Lord the most. I'm kind of having one because I just met with my YL team and we planned out club tomorrow night even though we don't have a place to have it yet. Hopefully something will come up, if not I guess we'll just hang out with kids at Bruster's. Anyway, I'm trying to remain calm and know that whatever we do we're going to hang out with Boiling Springs kids tomorrow night and get to know them and be apart of their lives. It sounds cheesy but the devil always attacks during times like this. He wants us to be discouraged and feel like we can't do it. He wants us to give up and fail. Anyway, now I'm rambling. I'm glad we can ramble to each other.

      Have a great night. Be patient.

      • Why do I need aim when I can read awesome long messages like that. We could put our conversations in a book and sell it. People would laugh at us, but we could sell a few copies. You don't have to worry about messaging me if you're busy. I mean I do love the messages, they help me get through the day. But no pressure. haha. I'm glad for your revelation today. It's cool that you can learn a lot about yourself from one simple conversation. Daniel and I were actually talking about how cool you were after you played at church with us. I mean you were the only girl at practice, the youngest, didn't know us (except Josh) and you were really fun and fit right in. That's really strong to me. I'm always quiet and shy when I meet new people. It takes me a while to warm up and come out of my shell.

        Okay so I just got the new Jimmy Eat World cd today. It is so good. I love them. They just have the best, most fun sound. I want to go driving somewhere with a good view and just blast it. haha. My favorite thing is going on road trips and listening to good music while enjoying the view of God's creation pass by. Cheesy I know, but I love it. When I drove across the country and back I saw so many awesome landscapes and places. And I had a soundtrack right there in my car along the way. That's usually what I do in the car. Praying is good to do in the car too. As long as you don't close your eyes. haha. That's a bad idea. Alright I think I'm going to start making my way towards bed.

        You def. earned big points for cheering for the Pirates. I like NC State, but when ECU plays them I'm cheering for ECU. You're awesome. Goodnight!

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