So my track record with boys so far were...dated 1 guy.
not too shabby.
I remember coming in to Freshmen year at Converse, boys were on the radar CONSTANTLY. I had my whole checklist:
Christian, Check
Left handed, Check
Cute, Check Check
Blue Eyes, CHECK.
but this Checklist became and idol in my heart. God was quick to show that to me. So out went the list, in came "the boy I dated." When that was done, in came "singleness."
I put that in quotations not because I was not sincere about singleness, but because I wasn't single for very long. It was both a good and bad thing for me at the time.
See, after my heart was wrenched and then healed in Colorado then broken when my band left, to say that I was running away from commitment was an understatement. I had it all planned--Seminary in New Orleans, live in Italy for a year, go to a Californian vineyard and then Africa and maybe back to malaysia for a while. NO COMMITMENTS, except to the PLAN of course.
The start of my senior year was great at Converse...despite my Band being gone, I was determined to start over and make it the best year yet. My roomie AKA Sexy Turtle was awesome and allowed me to help her on her own journey with the Lord which inspired me to work on mine. The girls whom I had Bible Study with from my Sophomore to my Senior year, were all starting to grow up in the Lord and we learned to love each other through our good times and bad times. It was a neat reflection of God's desire for the church.
In fact, it was then that I made a commitment to myself that I would ALWAYS have good girl friends around me, because there is nothing sweeter than relationships with the same sex. I mean, we giggled and rolled around laughing like there was no tomorrow. Those 3 years were incredibly heart-warming and important to me. I would go as far as to say that they shaped alot of who I am today.
So with all this in mind, I was pretty stoked about the future. Boys were not part of the equation. I was so convinced of this that I told God that I wouldn't mind being single for the rest of my life. I mean, as long as I had some good Godly friends, I would be GREAT! Diane Lane in "Under the Tuscan Sun" was whom I thought I would live my life out to be. Romantic, Emotional, Vulnerable, but not dependent on boys. No siree!
Enter the Divine Thwarter: God
Since the Sunday at Hopepoint where I met Josh, I was eagerly anticipating September 29th. I was invited to practice with the Hopepoint band to play that Sunday. I tried to keep calm and cool but inside I was REALLY excited to be playing again.
I remember it like it was yesterday. It was a perfect Fall Saturday. Breezy but with some Sun peeking through the trees. It was a tee-shirt and sweat pants day.
Sexy Turtle and I woke up that morning to power walk through a nearby neighborhood followed by breakfast in the Dining Hall. We typically slept till 11am on Saturday mornings but I think Sexy Turtle convinced me to go work out somehow.
We finished the afternoon with my "Yoga for weight loss" DVD whilst contemplating how we would get fit and skinny like those Yoga instructers. As we finished up, I realized that I was running a little behind to get to practice. I quickly showered and got dressed in my fave Giraffe LOVE shirt and I was off to practice...excited...full of anticipation.
And then I got there.
First thought "These guys are OLD and GROSS. I'm DEFINITELY NOT going to Fall in Love with any of them."
There was Daniel, who had pretty blue eyes but his beard...grody.
There was Lee, OLD.
There was Josh, VERY hairy.
And there was Stuart. Shy.
No one my type, which was GREAT because remember, I had a plan and my checklist was out the window so there was no need for me to scout for boys.
So I did what any girl would do after a perfect Saturday...I did my post yoga cool down stretches as I looked over the worship music, hoping next weekend would be as good.